Here it is the first draft of the second Social Golfer book... "LIVING THE DREAM".
The further adventures features a section on all the competitions played all over the world, with particular emphasis on Dubai, South Africa, Tasmania and South Carolina. Again much more than s golf book, a travellers Almanac as well. The second section features the epic 80 day Around the World Trip featruring Singapore, Sydney, New Zealand, Hawaii, Vancouver, Pebble Beach, Vegas and Coastal Florida. the 3rd Section features beautiful cities and places with no significant golf pedigree but were golf can be found. Venice, Barcelona, Bergen & Madeirs plus
a guest article " An American perspective on the home of Golf Scotland . The final section features articles on Disabled Golfers & Stroke Related issues, Golf in Portugal and Mauritius and a Guest article on Cambodia... Superbly illustrated, profits again to The Stroke Association.
It is expected to retailat £19.99 or $29.99 P & P Included... Signed copies available from the author. Contact iwhalliwell@aol.com.
the Uk Book Launch will be at The British Par 3 August 2012
the USA Launch at the Florida Disabilities Open 13th October 2012
Launches in South Africa and Australia to follow